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Stock-Class Paintball Network - Updates Updates
February 23nd, 2015! - We are back from the Second ANNUAL SCP Pumpers Paradise Weekend at Battlefield Orlando The Mini Scenario was based on Evil Dead, Army of Darkness! and what an awesome time! Some of the Best Pump players in the country gathered for this annual event and the competiotn was fierce! For those of you in the south, get ready for a brand new SCP Florida Pump Chump event schedule!

November 2nd, 2014! - Are you Ready for Pumpers Paradise 2015!?! Clear your schedule for February 22-23, 2015! Plan to be in sunny Florida for the Second ANNUAL SCP Pumpers Paradise Weekend at Battlefield Orlando Less than an hour from all major central Florida attractions, and a perfect time to escape the cold! for 2015, The Mini Scenario will be based on Evil Dead, Army of Darkness!

April 24th, 2011- Happy Easter!   We hope you have a safe and happy holiday.   This is an important news flash!   Central Florida Paintball . is up against a possible closure proceeding due to the Polk County Zoning board. Well have more soon, but we hope you'll join us in expressing support and sending a note to the Polk county commissioners office, no matter where you live!   More extensive information soon! keep an eye out for the full story!

April 1st, 2011- Another NEW article!  Holy Grail IX, Get Spammed!, by Gypsy! The Florida Pump Chumps 1st reunion at Old River Paintball in Ocala, Fl, was awesome!  But guess what? Were planning another meet at Central Florida Paintball on April 23rd! Check out the photos on our Facebook Fan Page!Lots of new events are being planned nationwide, more updates soon! Mar 13th, 2011
- A NEW article!  How the First Texas Pump and Pistol game came about! and Guess what, this years is Being scheduled , Updating has slowed in the past few weeks, but Were still working to improve SCP! The location for the Florida Pump Chumps reunion is changing to Old River Paintball in Ocala, Fl, check the message board for the latest info, were doing a scenario! New articles will be up soon. We also have a new FIELD REVIEW section on out message boards, check it out, and add your favorite Pump Friendly field here! And HUGE WELCOME BACK to SCPErs, both old and new! People are trickling back in, and site hits have gone through the roof, A LOT MORE SOON! -Maverick

Feb 21st, 2011- A LOT OF UPDATES! First, The 2011 date for Pump Pandemonium is up! July 16th & 17th 2011, more details! You'll see many updates throughout the site, still working on it, but its coming along nicely! Also, check out SCP The Store! and Mavericks Ramblings, or rumblings, er,,, ITS A BLOG!! OH, and if your in the South East, The Florida Pump Chumps are having a reunion, open to all. more info.-Maverick
Feb 10th, 2011- Yep, we're coming BACK! Slowly but surely, the site is being updated. You'll see some small changes, some old content being removed and some updates. You will also notice the SCP-The Store link has been added, the store is not live yet, but were working on it! Well also be adding Hydro-testing services, so dig out those expired HPA tanks, because we can soon help! You'll also see a "like" button for facebook, so give use a click and spread the word! lots more soon!-Maverick

2010-look, we've even got a FACEBOOK FAN Page!
SCP Cares is proud to be a part of a fundraising effort that will have an immediate and DIRECT effect on peoples lives,. we have teamed up with AIM , a group that has been active in Haiti for many years, helping people. Our mission is raise $2500 in a week to help rev. Abel return to Haiti with supplies, and retrieve several children. We are not to save the world, just a few kids, please give generously! SCP is rewarding you by holding a random drawing for all who donate, prizes so far include an original splatmaster in the box, Impossible to get official SCP Jacket patches, and more. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS!  

Cares (tm)
needs more donations of prizes for this event from industry, and is offering FREE Adverts for those Retailers and Fields who step up! See the message board for details or Email Maverick.

Updates directly from Friends and Family of Abel that are in Haiti, for the latest one 01-30-10, click here then please hit back and click here, time is short.

Jan. 1st, 2006 - Happy New Year! We hope everyone had a Happy and Safe Holiday season! If you haven't visited our MESSAGE BOARD lately, oh my what you've been missing! We've given away a ton of prizes at our recent Christmas Party online, featuring awesome Pump Prizes by WEVO paintball, Component Concepts Inc., and many of our official sponsors! The prizes went from small (official SCP 40 round hoppers) to HUGE (Phantoms!!) so check in often, you never know when well announce an impromptu contest or event! And, despite our not very often updates, were still breaking records with site hits! With over 30,000 hits a month here on our main site, and better than twice that on our message board, we are rocking! SCP is better than ever, and 2006 is going to be an awesome year! We are seeking aspiring writers to add to our articles section. If you have an article, review, mussing, or other literary work about pump or stock class you'd like to submit, simply email it too for consideration.

August 4th, 2005 - Gearing up for Pump Pandemonium II! Get ready for a wild ride as the Militia and Pirates battle for the mystical 12 gram hand! The latest report is that we've got over 150 pre-registered players, and we expect that again as last minute walk ons! EMR Paintball will be the place to be for the biggest pump event of the year! Hope to see you there! More breaking news! Scp and the the Tennessee Paintball Marshals are teaming up to bring pump tournament play to the South east USA! Click the Tournament link on the left menu for details, the first event will be help in Dalton, Georgia at Paintballs and more on September 17th, 2005. pre registration for teams is now in progress. But wait, there's more! SCP and Space Coast paintball, in Titusville, Fl are teaming up to bring you Pumpers Paradise! A weekend pump extravaganza, in February 2006. Featuring a mini scenario, tournament play, and much, much more. stay tuned for more details, this is going to be a big one folks!
June 19th, 2005 - Another New Article , On the Flurry Tactical vest, by Interceptor911!
 The SCP online store continues to updated, and were débuting  some great custom services, if you have a business, be sure and check out the Business services page. And the BIG news: Please join me in welcoming DORO PAINTBALL, as our newest official SCP Sponsor. Also look for minor update on the LINKS page, and throughout the website. You can even try out the new search functions set up for both the main site and the message boards, below on the right.

- Maverick

June 9th, 2005 - Updates, updates, and more updates! Two new articles, Everything you could ever want to know about The Phantom by Silk, and a very informal review on the new Armson line of Quality barrels. The SCP online store has been updated, its not real pretty, but there's some more stuff on it finally! I'll be adding some cool products over the coming days, including 3d SCP decals, banners, and other do daads! but wait, there's more! Pre-Ordering is now open for the latest edition of the SCP T-shirt, and will be offered exclusively through our friend Wevo, click here to pre order one now! And bigger news! Our Friend Joe Jansen is slowly, but surely getting better and improving almost daily! You go JOE, were all behind you! Send Joe an email at, he appreciates the mail. he cant answer yet, but rest assured, there being read to him daily! the whole story is here if you've been away awhile.

- Maverick

June 1st, 2005 - SCP & friends have raised $2121.00 For Joe Jansen , in the fundraising giveaway to raise cash and hopefully help Joe along on his recovery. Thanks to all of you, I had the honor of sending out a check in the above amount recently, and will post the thank you letter that went with it, on everyone's behalf, as soon as i know the Jansen family has received the mailing. You did a great thing, and I'm very proud that SCP has such great people willing to help on a moments notice. This is what Paintball should be about, the people! In other news, the new SCP merchandise line was introduced at the Florida Pump chumps pump day on May 28th, and received rave reviews. Check the days Recap for Info, pictures, and event Video! The online store  will be updated very shortly, and offer some really cool new products, and more will be added in the coming weeks.We've added a poll feature , please take a minute to check it out, its right below the sponsors on the lower right of this page. We've also added a visible site "counter" at the bottom of the page, my there's allot of Stock and pump class paintballers visiting us!  more updates soon! thanks for stopping by.


May 2nd, 2005 -The response to our efforts, SCP & friends have raised Over $1900.00 For Joe Jansen , in the fundraising giveaway to raise cash and hopefully help Joe along on his recovery. So many people have contributed, that weve been asked to extend the time on it. As incentive, Arrow Precision llc, has generously contributed a new STERLING STP pump gun, and FIVE cases of paintball, shipped directly to the winners door! Add that to the Paint Vengeance Paintball Distributers has contributed as well as the rest (below) and weve got a huge prize package! This will end (Really) on tuesday evening may 3rd, at 8 pm. we will hold the drawing at ten pm EST "live" via a chat room hosted by SCP member OSOK (check the message board for access.) The support for Joe has been overwhelming, and he is showing some improvement. were all behind you Joe!!

April 20, 2005 - One of our own needs our help, Field ref and player, Joe Jansen was recently viciously attacked in his own home by several thugs, he remains hospitalized with life threatening injuries. In support of Joe, SCP , its sponsors, and friends are holding a fundraising giveaway to raise cash and hopefully help Joe along on his recovery. Prizes include an original Splatmaster, in the box, a Fifty dollar gift certificate donated by WEVO Paintball , and many more will be added soon. please click here for details, and give generously. Get well soon Joe, were all rooting for you!  We are currently organizing and recruiting state coordinators, to develop local pump days through out the country. We want to bring pump paintball to your field, more details here  . 

- Maverick


March 15, 2005 - We recently concluded a giveaway for a Lapco Marker Barrel, contributed by our new sponsor, WEVO Paintball! This contest was open to anyone who contributed funds to help support SCP! All contributors were automatically entered, and we held a live drawing via a chat room. We surprised those who were present by presenting them with authentic 40 round Ammo boxes! You never know what can happen when you help SCP by making a small donation! stay tuned for more special events in the near future. Regional event activity is picking up as well. We recently had SCP member pump days in both Florida and NY, and there are more scheduled, check the message board "EVENTS" section or the Calendar often for events near you, or host your own! Pump Pandemonium 2005, will be hosted at EMR Paintball in New Milford , PA on August 13-15th, this years big game will be "Pirates Revenge", and is sure to be the pump event of the year.. You wont want to miss this one, and pre registration is already underway, so sign up today! More info here.

- Maverick

February 06, 2005 - More site updates, Check out the menu additions, there you'll find a downloads page, with banners, screensavers, and even video. Next we have the new "Mailbag" page, we get so many questions, we thought it be a good idea to start publishing some of them. You'll also notice a new STORE link, where you can find official SCP products (give us some time, but there will be much more soon!) Thanks to everyone who has donated funds to help support SCP (button on the lower right) , contributed funds are already hard at work. Check back soon for details on the new pump marker loaner program for your local pump paintball events!
- Maverick

January, 23 2005 - Some site updates, with more coming. Despite the rumors of our demise, we assure you, we are alive, and well, and still playing, one shot at a time! Check out our new sponsors, on board in cooperation with EMR PAINTBALL Pump Pandemonium II(below, right side). We welcome their support of pump and stock class paintball! Coming soon, you will see a dedicated SCP store where you can purchase official SCP gear including patches, team banners, commorative items and more! This site is run by players, for players, and supported by the donations of paintball enthusiasts like you.Please support with a small gift. All proceeds are used to run the site, and support stock and pump paintball events.
- Maverick

January, 11 2005 - Welcome to the new year. Our main site is getting pretty stale here. All the latest action is in the SCP Forums. We are gearing up for another year full of action. Don't miss Spring Castle Conquest XIX this April and Pump Pandemonium II in August at EMR Paintball Park. Also, be on the look out for brand new Official SCP Jerseys.
- Cargo

July 16, 2004 - The New Pump Pandemonium information page (new link on left), has been updated. Were incredibly excited about this event   (cant you tell?? )
- Maverick

July 03, 2004 - Updates!!  check out the New Pump Pandemonium information page (new link on left), including info, updates, and links to event information. Hope to see you there!! Happy Independence day folks, may it be a safe and happy one for you and yours!!
- Maverick

June 25, 2004 - Pump Pandemonium!! At EMR Paintball The Details are almost final, and its going to ROCK YOUR WORLD!! A new forum has been set up just to cover it!! pump weekend Message board The world is divided, its time to take a stand, the armies are forming, We must put an end to this madness and unite the tribes of pump players, but not without cost.. Choose now, or be cast into the abyss for all eternity.. Pump Pandemonium, the Pump event of the year august 7 and 8, 2004. Sign up now , before its too late!! (follow EMR link above.) Full Story Line here . Updated news section, scroll down to view.
- Maverick

June 11, 2004 - Were Back!! After several months of massive computer troubles, Were back and will be updating the site over the next several weeks. There's so much happening in Stockclass Paintball I don't know where to start, so give me just a bit of time to get things rolling again. Our Message board is rocking! with over 700 members !!  In August , Another huge pump event "Pumpers Pandemonium, hosted by EMR Paintball , An entire weekend of Pump and Stock Class Goodness!! Much, Much More, coming soon!!
- Maverick

Jan 06, 2004 - Happy New Year!! We hope all of you had Happy and Safe Holiday Season!! A hearty CONGRATS!! to the all pump team "Rabid Squirrels I and II " for placing 6th and 14th against semi toting teams in a recent tourney at Fury Paintball in Syracuse, NY. SCP members rocked!! more details Here Send us your events!!! there are tons of SC events planned for 04, But we need the details!
- Maverick

Nov 27, 2003 - Just in Time for the Holidays! A FREE SCP screensaver right click, save as, here featuring many of your SCP favorites (about 3mb.)Youll need to unzip it (winzip, etc.) and and place it in your windows/system files with your other .scr files (sorry windows only, all versions) If thats not enough, The picture gallery from Fall Castle at EMR is up Here AND another gallery compiled from pics of Comovartia's birthday bash Here!Got a PGP2k? Check out this review on an upgrade bolt available from Cooper T by Six!
Stay Tuned for a new Contest, have a little talent? well be looking for an artist for "Ultimate Pump Weekend" now scheduled for August 2004!! Well need a poster!! Yes!! it is going to happen, An entire weekend of pump goodness (madness??) including a big game, mini tourney, top gun, and much more!! stay tuned for details, and dont forget, you heard it at the Stock Class Players Network First!
- Maverick

Oct 03, 2003 - We're back from Fall Castle! Fall Castle at EMR PAINTBALL was a huge sucess!! It was great to meet all the pump and stock class players who attended, and theres already another huge event in the works, so stay tuned for details! The Message board is full of pictures and recounts of the action. we need more pictures, so SEND them into us and well put them inthe EMR Gallery! (coming soon!) Congrats to Big Matt, who won the image contest! See his entry
- Maverick
see all updates...

Sept 16, 2003 - Weve been busy! Fall Castle at EMR PAINTBALL Is only DAYS away!! The Message board is so active about this event , its hard to keep up!. But thats not all, behind the scenes, weve been working hard to give you the best SCP ever! were transfering the site to a new host, adding new sections, and so much more! The "stuck oon stock class " contest, is about to end, so Vote Now!
- Maverick

Aug 24, 2003 - Vote for your favorite entry in the Stuck on Stock class Contest Here! The Winner gets the Classic Unibody Phantom Picture below. Ofcourse these great shots needed there own Gallery. Are you ready for Fall Castle at EMR PAINTBALL? We are (well almost), and pumps around the world are getting their tune ups and final mods finished as you read this. get the latest NEWS here. - Maverick

Aug 05, 2003 - Congratulations to the Fictional Story Winners!! The voting is over, But dont fret, we have a New contest in progress! You may have noticed, NO MORE POP UPS!! Have an Action Markers Illusion? Check out Amhildreths Clear Parts review!
- Maverick

June 22, 2003 - Vote for your favorite Fictional Story before its too late, The voting ends at the end of june, so hurry!! TWO new Articles! Practice! By Crash STP and 24 Hours by AMhildreth! SCP Also Welcomes AMhildreth as our newest official representative for the North East U.S.A!! Have you signed up for our newsletter yet? just fill in the box to the right and get the latest site news first!
- Maverick

June 08, 2003 - Vote for your favorite Fictional Story Ive really enjoyed reading them and im sure you will too! But its time to vote for which one you like best! SCP is proud to announce we are now official sponsors of the Fall Castle at EMR Paintball Along with Crash Landing Paintball Our official online sotre. Well be contributing some great prizes to the event, See you there!!
- Maverick

May 31, 2003 - A new- Fictional Story contest entry Voting for the winner will start soon, check the message board for the poll, where YOU can vote on the winner!!
And a Brand New Contest! Take your Best shot! then send it in, The best pic with the site URL will win a Classic CCI Phantom!!
- Maverick

May 19, 2003 - A new- Message Board! generously located, enabled, and set up by our own "Cargo." The old board just wasnt reliable enough , and the new one is light years ahead, with all the features youve been asking us for! The old board will remain for reference as long as we can keep it up, but all threads will be locked, and all site links changed to the new board after this weekend. Youll have to re-register on the new board, but we think youll agree its well worth the effort.
Tell us how we're doing, the site staff is always seeking feedback on what works and what doesnt, and we listen. Dont be afraid to post your opinions or send us a private message (new message board) or email.
- Maverick

May 13, 2003 - A new- Nelspot 007 FAQ generously contributed by "Freindly Fire." Stay tuned for details on a new contest "Stuck on Stock Class" where you'll be able to send in your pictures of interesting places youve seen SCP.COM stickers or patches, the winner will get a classic Unibody Phantom!! (more soon.) The message board is temporarily down due to an issue with the host, we hope to have back up soon.
- Maverick

May 01, 2003 - Fictional Stories have been- Posted at the botton of the "articles " page for your review. I apologize for the delay, and possible loosing one. please email me if you submitted a story and its not listed, with another copy. As penance, the contest will be extended through May 30th. click HERE for details about the contest and prizes!.
Theres a little girl and her family that really need our help right now,please check SCP CARES for details, and how you can help..
- Maverick

Apr 30, 2003 - A HUGE heartfelt THANKYOU, to all who have contributed Burphels raffle to help a fellow player! Results will be in soon, check HERE for results. theyll be posted as soon as they come in. Just added, some fresh LINKS , TWO New articles submitted by our members , The Decepticon PGP and the PGP new Barrel Jimmie review , available in the Online store, also new today , Clear accessories for the AM-P Illusion v2.0!! HERE! A new section in the Message board to help bring stock and pump class players together. post your location , or look for others in your state. More Soon!!
- Maverick

Apr 10, 2003 - Show your Support at- SCP CARES a new section dedicated to events and fundraisers that make a difference. There's a fellow player who we need to support right now, after a horrible tradgedy. click HERE for details about out how you can help.
- Maverick

Apr 08, 2003 - A New Article-The Battle of the Bulge By Richard Perry Official Patch is ready, get yours today At Crash Landing! March was the biggest month in the history of SCPN, with over 24,000 site hits!! Thanks for Visiting the Stock class players network, stay tuned for some important announcements.
- Maverick

Mar 11, 2003 - Weve been Recognized by APG!! Check out the latest edition "letters to the editor" if you want to see the nice reference we were given.. and.. The Official Patch is ready, Click here! to get yours. Added Some EXCLUSIVE On Line Store Items!! Including PGP and Stock class pistol Barrel Jimmies!! You wont find them anywhere else folks!!
- Maverick

Mar 06, 2003 - A New Article-So you want to Play Pump Paintball? By yours truly. And the Official Patch is almost ready, stay tuned for details on how to get yours! Added MORE Cool On Line Store Items!! Including the NEW Phantom Sidearms!!
- Maverick

Feb 20, 2003 - Added some Really Cool On Line Store Items!! A new Column by BLUE!! and his scenario adventures! And the Official Patch voted on by the membership has been decided!
- Maverick

Feb 09, 2003 - And the Winners are!!! Check out the Raffle Results page for details!! Thanks to everyone for your support, we raised $100 for our charity!! AND we added two consolation prizes!!
- Maverick

Feb 07, 2003 - The Message board is Back up!!just had an upgrade, hopefully itll stay that way. Check out the NEW On Line Store!! New items are being added daily, its already the biggest Stock Class store on the net!! Want Free Tubes? If your a member of this site, the message board, or participated in the Winter 2002 raffle you qualify!! Click the Results page for details!!
- Maverick

Jan 31, 2003 - New Stuff!! Check out the menu!! An On Line Store!! A new Column by BLUE!! A new Article!! And updates Galore!! Look around a bit, and ENJOY!
- Maverick

Jan 24, 2003 - Mailing List We have setup and activated the SCP Mailing List. If you previously registered has a member of (and provided an email address) you will be recieving a Welcome Email. We will NOT be spamming people. If you would like to remove yourself from our mailing follow the instructions in the email. If you want to stay with us, please use the Welcome Email to update your Interest Categories and be sure to put in your SCP Forum Name. Thanks

Jan 22, 2003 - Vote Now! The submissions are in and I finally got some poll code. So start letting us know what you want to wear.Click here to see the entrants!

Jan 18, 2003 - Two New Articles HERE and HERE!! Time Is Running short!!, enter to WIN AN AM-P ILLUSION!! Click here! Before its too late!!

Dec 31, 2002 - Happy New Years! Updated the player's list. If you haven't done so already, enter to WIN AN AM-P ILLUSION!! Click here!

Dec 04, 2002 - A New article by yours Truly! Click here!

Nov 21, 2002 - Were Rolling Now!! The New Message Board is up and running AND The Winter Raffle Has Started!!

Nov 20, 2002 - The AM-P Illusion Raffle Has Started!! And we have a new Message board!! You can view them here

Oct xx, 2002 - some temporary malfunctions, all will be well soon!

Sep 14, 2002 - ***Contest results are here!***
You can view them here or click the link on the left! (Drum roll please)

Sep 10, 2002 - Added some AM-P Illusion pictures into the gallery, you can view them here!

Sep 06,2002 - Mmmm... Fresh Meat. Your pals Maverick and danEboy are running the show now. Things may be a little slow while we sort a few issues out, but stay with us and it will be worth it. :)  In the meantime Email Me -- danEboy , with news links or anything else that's of interest. Thanks for your patience.

Aug 31, 2002 - Last call for contest entries. All entries must be in by midnight tonight!

Aug 20, 2002 - Only 10 days left to get your Summer Contest entries in! They are looking GREAT so far, keep up the good work. Don't procrastinate, get all entries in NOW!

Aug 14, 2002 - I would like to thank everyone for the support and help with the site.. But I, LifeTouch, am retiring from the admin. position.. Detect will take back full command.. I will still be around for tech help and stuff in the forum and on the chat. Good luck and take care! Thanks

Jul 26, 2002 - Just thought I would add a few things.. I added some new articles.. I am currently messing with the pictures gallery right now, I hope to have it back up in a few days.. I hope to see lots of enteries in the contest..

Jul 26, 2002 - Check out our SUMMER CONTEST, link's on the left! Prizes given to the THREE best entries!

Jul 03, 2002 - I changed to a different ad company with better rates and more advertisers. Also, there is a new page just for Sponsors. Each click on that page will help support the site, thanks.

Jul 02, 2002 - I'm back from my vacation to China with a pit stop in Hawaii. I've updated the player's list currently with 150 members and fixed broken links in the Marker List and Picture Gallery sections. Remember to click each ad (there are 2 different ones) at the top and one at the bottom once per day (any more would be useless), so we can get more giveaway funds for YOU!

Jun 22, 2002 - Wow, added a lot of stuff today. The forum seems to be pretty alive. Check it out if you haven't already. It is finally ours. We will try and get it on our server soon. Thanks again to and

Jun 06, 2002 - Everyone who visits this site, please vote for us. I want to be number 1 this month. Thanks! I highly suggest visiting the forum. Not only do you get the latest in what is happening in paintball, but you have a chance to win free prizes! Detect is away for right now, so if you have put in your form for the players list since June 3rd, please be patient for him to get back and put the names up.

Jun 03, 2002 - And the winner is..
Member #96 Brent "RamboPreacher" Hoefling
Congratulations and we hope you enjoy your new phantom!

We would like to thank EVERYONE who bought a ticket. We hope you enter our next raffle.
May 20, 2002 - Raffle is over! We will announce the winner June 3rd. Check out the new poll. Thanks to everyone who participated in the raffle!

May 19, 2002 - Less than 24hrs left on the raffle! New merchandise! The forum is starting to boom! I will have stickers June 1st!

May 02, 2002 - 18 days left! If you want a personalized long sleeve shirt, post in the forum. I am trying to find a good design for them.

Apr 27, 2002 - About 20 days left to buy your raffle tickets! If you want the latest and greatest site news and pump/stock class news, visit the forum! I think I have a logo we are going to use for round 1 (logo here). I should be getting a price and more info about the stickers soon. I am also trying to think of new things to do with this site.

Apr 12, 2002 - Check out the new poll. Also, I made the pics smaller in the pic gallery so they load faster. Enjoy!

Apr 11, 2002 - We have 2 designs to choose from for stickers and merchandise (which will be up soon). I will have a poll up tomorrow so you can choose which you like better! If some font looks small, I changed the font around and im still updating all the pages. Give me time :) Thanks

Apr 09, 2002 - Players List is updated. It is now updated, it's now multiple pages, with the players numbered. Thanks Hao. I am still finishin the pages that haven't been finished. What I need from you.

Apr 04, 2002 - Picture gallery is back up. If you see anything wrong with it, please tell me. I might be doing more to it later, im not sure yet. I am trying to get lots more tech info up.

Apr 03, 2002 - Please note: if you have a picture of your gun on our site, the URL has changed for it. I will have the picture gallery back up soon. Im just redoing it so its easier for me. I am going to make a list of all stuff I could use from you guys! I want to get this site filled with info! Thanks

Apr 02, 2002 - We now have a chat. More info here... Finally got my FTP back.

Mar 19, 2002 - We are having a raffle.
More info here : raffle info
Help spread the word!
The prize is a very NICE VSC phantom.
Thanks to Mike at CCI!

Mar 17, 2002 - New and better forum is up. Thanks

Mar 15, 2002 - 5 days left!! Check out the new article. I am trying to get some stickers going. Also, new merchandise designs will be made in about a week. New poll up.

Mar 11, 2002 - I'm working on some cool new code. Maybe get some animation to the site :) Keep your eyes open. All pictures I have gotten will be added shortly. So don't think I've forgoten about ya!

Mar 09, 2002 - I don't really have anything to say, but more pictures and articles would be nice. Im working on a new quiz, thinking of another poll and just waiting for the surpise to happen. Hope you all enjoy!

Mar 03, 2002 - I still need articles and reviews! Send me your article(s)! We have something special coming soon!

Mar 01, 2002 - New Poll has been up for the past few days. I'm trying to do some reviews. I'm also working on a PGP Project. You will be able to see it soon! In Feb, we got 2326 hits! Most in a month so far. Keep it up!

Feb 26, 2002 - I have added stuff to the FAQ and Tips/Tactics page. I need pictures and articles. Email them to me. New poll.

Feb 25, 2002 - The FAQ and Tips/Tactics page are up. Check out the forums.

Feb 24, 2002 - The General Discussion and Classifieds forums are now up and running!

Feb 23, 2002 - Site is being updated. New webmaster is in charge! :)

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