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   March 25, 2025

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Winter 2002 Raffle Results!

Raffle Results Below!!!!!!!!!

Crash Landing Online- Click to enter

For all your Stock and pump class needs. New items being added daily!!

The Winners are posted below!! and get your free tubes!! (info at bottom)

How it works:
Ive assigned raffle tickets bought in an office supply store , for every ticket issued as a result of the donations recieved the tickets were then put in a container, one by one to ensure none stuck together, and well mixed They will stay that way, until the wining tickets are drawn.
When the winning tickets are drawn, they will be compared to the master list and the results will be published below.

Good Luck and a huge thanks!! to all who participated!!

GRAND PRIZE - An AM-P Illusion Pump!!!
And the winner is!!!
Ed Debuhr

Second Prize: A case of 2000 "Severe" Paintballs!!

And the winner is:
Gene Jordan!!!!!!

Two Third Prizes!!! A ZEL Paintball Protective Hood!!

And the winners are!!!
Russ Brown AND Phillip Chlanda

But wait!!! Theres more!!

We've added TWO Consolation prizes!!!
Each of the following Will receive a bag of 500 paintballs!!!
Consolation prize winner#1: Marian Mosley
Consolation prize winner#2: Mark Faggert

Congratulations to everyone!!

THANKYOU for supporting the Stock Class Players Network!!

Winners should email Maverick as soon as possible

Raffle Stats follow, as promised. Thanks for all your help , weve raised ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS FOR Victory Junction!!
Total Raffles tickets issued: 214
Total funds grossed (before expenses): $360.00
Total funds net (after expenses): $169.00
Total funds to be Donated to Victory Junction
From Raffle (post expense) -$34.00 Matching funds -$34.00 misc. -$32.00 Total $100.00
Site Expense Breakdown:
Paypal fees: $19.00 Shipping expenses for prizes: $50.00 (est.)
Promotionals (tubes/stickers/ads): $105.00
allow for rounding..misc=additional funds allocated simply because its worth it..

Approximate retail value of items offered:
Action Markers: AM-P Illusion pump with all options-$369.95.
Maverick: Case of 2000 Severe paintballs-$45.00
Zel Paintball : Protective hood (x2) -$22.95 ea .
Maverick: Paintballs, bag of 500 (x2) -$15.00

Thanks to Action Markers, Crash Stp, and Zel Paintball for sponsoring this event!! Have a worthy cause for our next Charity event?? email Maverick


If you're a regular Stock Class paintball network member, a member of the message board, or have participated in the Winter 2002 Raffle and charity fund raiser You qualify for a free tube and Sticker!!
Just send a Self addressed Stamped envelope with At least 49 cents postage (full letter size) to: Free tubes!!
c/o E. Heredia
5332 Lake Worth Road, # B-41
Lake Worth , Fl 33463

Please remember to include your member number, message board screen name, or the name under which your Raffle donation was made in the envelope. Supplies are limited, first come, first served, until they run out.
Note: the sticker will come inside the tube, so you can put it anywhere you want. if youd like additional stickers, please include $1.00 for each additional sticker (limit Five (5) )
If youd like additional stock class tubes, please visit the new online store Crash Landing Online pump players store

Thanks for supporting The Stock class paintball network .

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