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Welcome to SCP CARES!!


Stock and pump class players are a special breed, hold themselves to a higher standard, and generally have a whole lot of "heart." This section is dedicated to all of those players who want to make a difference, not only in their game, but in their communities and in the world outside of paintball as well. Please check back often, and show your support. The Stock Class Players Network will be sponsoring charity fundraisers and other events that we believe are important, and helpful. Here's your chance to give back, help someone in need, and truly make a positive difference in the lives of others.

January 22nd, 2010: It has been a Long time since SCP Cares has been active, But we are fixing that right now.
As you know, The recent Earthquake in Haiti had devastating and long ranging effects. Tens of thousands of people have been displaces, Injured, or worse. While we know we can not relieve all human suffering, we can do a small part, but it will take each of you to help in just a small way. We can save lives by taking some simple action. Our goal, is to help raise $2500.. in the next week. This Money will go directly to AIM and the fund will administered by Rev. Abel St. Amoure. Abel has already rescued many people in Haiti, and more funding is desperately needed. A full page will soon be dedicated to this mission, Its about saving Kids, and we are going to do everything we can to help AIM do that, Right now! please check back often, and help in any way you can (full details will be posted soon!)

April 20th, 2005: A fellow player has recently been the victim of a violent crime, Joe is one of us, and we are doing our best to support him by holding a Giveaway for several great prizes to raise money for his recovery fund. Please help us make this event a huge success by contributing generously! Click HERE for full details. Thanks for your Support!

Jan 2004: we have held the first ever Stock Class sponsored Charity fundraiser for The Victory Junction Gang A new children's organization dedicated to building a facility where severely ill children can receive treatment and enjoy a "normal" life while in treatment. I am proud to announce that we raised $100 for this cause, after holding a raffle with some great prizes. you can see the results HERE I will also update that page shortly.

April 2003: we are trying to help out a fellow player after he and his family were victims of a horrible automobile crash. SCP is not sponsoring this fundraising effort, but we are putting our best foot forward and trying to help out in any way we can. We urge our members and visitors to look deep within themselves, and contribute generously. SCP and Crash Landing paintball thank you in advance for your help. We know the paintball community will come through when there needed most.. Click HERE for details.
Were proud to Announce the pump and stock class players came through in a HUGE way to offer their help, as well as some great manufacturers, and other paintball related industry! Click HERE for the results of this fund drive.

May 02,2003: We ask once more for the paintball industry to step up to help one of our own: The family of Kevin “Joker” Wilkes - of Team Joint Fury and William Shatner’s Magnificent Seven fame - has come under the gun.
On April 8, 2003, Kevin & Linda’s 7-year-old daughter, Kayleigh Wilkes, underwent surgery to remove a malignant tumor and affected kidney. The initial procedure was a success, but there is a long, most difficult road ahead of Kayleigh, as she must undergo both radiation and chemotherapy. While the surgery recovery is progressing well, the forthcoming months of treatments and hospitalization is looming. There is no question of the huge toll this family must now endure. The Wilkes need YOUR help! Please Click HERE for details. This just in, Kayleigh now has her own page, please Click HERE And help in any way you can.

More coming soon!! Thanks for stopping by.
Have a Charity event you need help with? Email the info to Maverick

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