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PGP2K Cooper T Bolt Review

I was surprised on a late November day when my wife arrived home from work with a package addressed to me from Cooper-T Produc

The Cooper-T Products PGP2K Bolt Review

By Eric A. Six



I was surprised on a late November day when my wife arrived home from work with a package addressed to me from Cooper-T Products.

Some time back I had contacted Chauncey at Cooper-T Products about picking up an aftermarket bolt for a PGP that I had picked up on eBay. During the call, I discussed with Chauncey several things about the PGP, and PGP2K. We discussed the problems with the new model PGP2K breaking paint and at that point, I had already done some “Garage” bolt fixes using the base information generously provided by Punisher’s Customs concerning the problem with the design and solution. I then offered to produce a schematic for Chauncey of what I had come up with for the fix using the information provided by Punisher, and what I was able to come up with in my own little shop. What arrived in the package was a sample production piece of a Cooper-T bolt specifically designed for the PGP2K that fixes the problems with breaking balls that is so common with PGP2K.


At the expense of being redundant, I feel it necessary to review the original problem. Do to an oversight in design at Crosman Sheridan; the PGP2K model paint pistol has a design flaw. Punisher did the homework on this one and came about the realization that when the gun is cocked back and a ball loaded into the chamber the paintball rests on, or very close to the valve port where CO2 enters the barrel of the gun from the valve tube below. Unfortunately, the turbulence caused by the flow of gas from the valve tube into the barrel results in frequent ball breaks. The solution to this problem was generously provided by Punisher to the paintball community at large in a post he made on the PGPOG addressing the issue. The solution being: To modify the bolt to push the paintball further forward in the barrel clearing the valve jet.


I shared this information with Chauncey at Cooper-T during my phone conversation with him and offered to him a schematic of the garage mod for the bolt that I had come up with in my little shop, and had built using the information provided by Punisher.

The bolt main body is constructed of Delrin material. It incorporates the same ball barring locking lug mechanism that initially, was invented by Chauncey at Cooper-T and is used in the new model PGP2K. The rear of the bolt is composed of a flat steel colored lug with a plunger that travels the length of the bolt (through the delrin) to the front of the bolt face. When the bolt is in the rearward or open position the piston is retracted into the bolt face and is flush with the face of the bolt. When the bolt is pushed in the closed position, the lugs project from the side locking the bolt into place and the plunger projects a tad over 1/8” proud of the bolt face. The result is that the ball is pushed forward of the valve jet and results in 0 ball breaks with good, well sized paint. Furthermore, in my garage modified bolt I had a problem with bolt blowback initially; Chauncey has brilliantly taken care of this issue in using the Delrin material for the main body. The plunger seated in the Delrin is air-tight resulting in combating the problem with bolt blowback.

Bolt Open Position:

Notice, the plunger recessed into the bolt face.


Bolt Closed Position

Notice, the plunger proud of the bolt face by 1/8”.


After I looked it over a bit, I had to try it out. I removed the stock PGP2K bolt and the new bolt slid in without a hitch. I attached the pump arm and dry fired it a couple times. It was a bit dry, so I lubed up the front o-ring a bit. After some lube, the thing operated slick! I went out in the back yard and fired off several rounds to test it out. In over a hundred rounds not a single ball break was to be found. With a little use, the bolt loosened up a bit and operated flawlessly. The steel piston seated in the Delrin body is air tight, not a single problem was encountered with bolt blowback.

In short, this is an awesome bolt! After testing it out, I called Chauncey at Cooper-T to thank him for sending me the sample bolt and to let him know that it worked great. Chauncey said that he had produced about 150 of them so far, and that the price on them would be $26.95

I love this bolt! I like it for more than just it functioning beautifully too. This aftermarket part breathes new life into the new model PGP2K. With this, you get a great aftermarket bolt constructed of Delrin - and you need no longer fear the dreaded problems associated with the PGP2K. The PGP2K is an iron-horse of a paint gun - much like the originals. For those of you out there who have a PGP2K and have had problems with it, or have not picked one up because of the problems associated with it, this product is a God-send, and is very reasonably priced.

I strongly recommend this product to anyone with a PGP2K. It solves the problem with the model PGP2K breaking paint, and allows people the opportunity to pick up a reasonably priced stock gun to play with on a budget. The PGP2K is one of the few stock guns available for such a cheap price. Tack on the expense of this aftermarket bolt and you still have one of the cheapest, most reliable guns available on the market.

The PGP2K with the Cooper-T PGP2K bolt is a win-win combination for the stock class / pump paintball community. It can be used as a main stock gun, or as a rugged and reliable side arm. This aftermarket part allows anyone to have rock-solid and reliable PGP2K very much deserving of the
Sheridan reputation of solid reliable construction and reminiscent of the PGP’s of old…

- Six

Edit Note: Cooper T can be found Here and has been a long time supporter of paintball players, whatever type of game they play.

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