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Stock Class Paintball Network was created by Hao Chen of Mafic Productions and established in the summer of 2001.

In January of 2003, ownership and administration of the site was taken over , in a business agreement by "Maverick" a long time paintball player, and advocate of sportsmanship, fairplay, and honor. Adding to its basic mission, Maverick also has a personal calling to get paintball players personally involved in "giving back" to their communites, by offering them opportunites to participate in Fund raising events and charities.

In february, 2003 teamed up with Crash Landing, an Ohio based paintball retailer. Crash Landing's operating principles mesh well with Both Maverick, and the ideals of the stock class players network. We look forward to working together to bring players the attention and products that this retail market segment has ignored for so long in the industry. Proceeds from this cooperative venture help support this site and ensure our ability to continue to fulfill our mission. Many online resources exist to support their retailers. In our case, we can gladly say the retailers exist to support the site! We'll keep real stock and pump class paintball information you can use , always a few keystrokes away!

Our mission is to promote stock class paintball by creating an online resource website and by creating the first major online community for stock and pump players everywhere. The site runs on contributions from players and sponsors, always with the main intent to promote Stock Class paintball, safety, and sportmanship.

The Legal Stuff:

This site is Protected, all images, articles, graphic, and proprietary artwork is the sole property of Maverick. Permission is granted for use of the content of the site, for NON COMMERCIAL educational and informational purposes only. The trademarks "" and "the stock class players network" and their assorted renderings, are protected and it is illegal to use said trademarks or images depicting them for commercial purposes without the express permission of Maverick.
Copy write 2003, 2004,2005,2006,2007,2008 "Maverick."

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The Stock Class Players Network,, and are trademarks.
all material within, Copyright © 2003-2011 all rights reserved. No unauthorized commercial reproduction without written consent.