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Joe Jansen recovery fund and prize giveaway!

Note: Entry to the prize giveaway is now closed, WE EXTENDED IT UNTIL 8PM 5/3/05 due to many special requests!!!


we will held the drawing on Tuesday, May 3rd at 10 PM EST. via a public "Chat" room, more details on the message board. We will however, continue to accept donations and forward any additional funds to Joe or his family.

I'm Proud to announce that we have raised $2,121.00 For Joe's recovery fund to date.

Congratulations Prize winners !


The Complete guide to Paintball, 3rd edition donated by Rob "Tyger" Rubin, Author.
  • 1. Luke swanson (Got Paint)
  • 2. Mark Edelsward
  • 3. Clint Murphey ( Murf425)
Custom Made Harness contributed by Little Screaming guy:
- Aaron Keathley

Case of Menace Paintballs, contributed by Steve Davidson on behalf of Vengeance Paintball distributors:
  • 1.Edward Mentz c/o team Renegade Rangers (8-ball)
  • 2. Richard Middleton (Jester)
a $100 gift certificate provided by Pro-Team Products!
- Larry Moroto

Cases of Paintballs provided by Arrow Precision:

  • 1. Colleen Niece
  • 2. Jacob Stephani (Wispaintstyle)
  • 3. Long Hoang (Long)
  • 4. Rich Ortwein (VonOrt)
  • 5. Donna Kelly c/o Matstuff888
A $50.00 Gift Certificate care of WEVO Paintball!
-Mark Perro (Multimineral)

A Splatmaster in the box, care of SCP!

- Daniel Shea

A Sterling STP, Contributed by Arrow Precision!
- Darla Marquis (Rabbit)

winners will receive an email from me within 24 hours, if you have not already sent me one at .

Congratulations to the prize winners!! But more importantly, Congrats to all of you for making this drive an unequaled success, and for raising a phenomenal amount of money for Joe!!


Tragedy has struck one of our own, and were depending on you to help. Long time player, referee, and just all around good guy , Joe Jansen. Joe,  along with his room mate were recently severely injured in their home, as a result of a home invasion by thugs. Joe was critically assaulted, and is now hospitalized, and remains unconscious. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Joe, his room mate (who also sustained serious, but not life threatening injuries), and their families.  As of today, April 20th, 2005, Joes doctors report that he is making good progress, and his condition is improving. He will be scheduled for surgery as soon as he stabilizes to their satisfaction. Joe has not regained consciousness as of 4/20/05, largely due to medication, but is expected too after the surgery.  In support of Joe, SCP is hosting a fundraising event to help ease his recovery process. Joe will be in the hospital for many months to follow, and will not be able to work, or generate income for quite some time. Our goal is to raise as much cash as possible to limit his financial burden, so he can concentrate more on recovering, and less on cash flow.

To these ends, SCP, along with many of our sponsors and generous members are providing several items , and offering you a chance to win them in a random drawing. All proceeds generated will go directly to Joe, via an intermediary, scroll down for details.

To quote Mike "Blue" Hanse, Owner EMR PAINTBALL:

Apr 19th , 2005-

Hello CREW,
I have some terrible news to convey about another one of our brothers and family. Last night four men broke into Joe Jansen's home and severely beat both him and his roommate. His roommate has been treated and released, but Joe was airlifted to a trauma unit hanging on for his life. Apparently these four men taped their hands and then
systematically beat him over and over. He has blood on the brain, his jaw is broken in two places, he has two punctured lungs, every bone in his face is broken, and he remains unconscious. He did have no Spinal Damage and he is responsive to pain so they are hopeful that he will come out of this, but will probably have a year of recovery. They have an officer stationed at his room and are awaiting for him to awake. They think this whole episode was a case of a mistaken
address and they were looking for something they didn't find. Joe's Parents are of course in a bad state and Tom assures me that they are very receptive to any cards or phone calls of support. We the CREW are his brothers and sisters and very important in Joe's life. Please send any cards to:
Mr.& Mrs. W. Jansen,8th Penni Place, Guelph, Ontario N1H7L2 .

As soon as Joe gets out of ICU and gets into a room, Tom will get us the
address. For now send Cards for Joe to his Parents. Take care, pray for Joe and his parents, and I will talk to all of you later.


All contributions of $5.00 (US Funds) or more will enter you into the drawing. For every $20.00 , you will receive one additional "bonus" entry , giving you five opportunities to win a prize at the cost of four.

Joe Jansen recovery fund (Not tax deductible)

First prize:

An original National Survival Games Splatmaster marking pistol, in the box (may differ slightly from picture)


Donated on behalf of and its staff.

Additional Prizes:

A fifty dollar gift certificate good for any product at WEVO Paintball!

$50.00 Gift Certificate!!!

Additional Prizes:

A One Hundred dollar gift certificate good for any product at Pro-Team Products!

$100.00 Gift Certificate!!!

Additional Prizes:

"The Complete Guide To PAINTBALL," 3rd edition Contributed by Rob "Tyger" Ruben , Author.


Additional Prizes:

Vengeance Paintball Distributors just added -- 2 Cases of XO Industries Menace Paintballs -- shipped directly to both winners doors!

Additional Prizes:

"Little Screaming guy" who manufactures custom paintball soft goods on a limited basis, had graciously volunteer to custom build a harness, to the winners specifications, so add one High Quality custom build harness to the prize list, Thanks LSG!!

Example of a cap-less harness by LSG.


Here is how you can help Joe:  

Simply contribute $5.00 (US) or more to the Joe Jansen recovery fund, via paypal

Joe Jansen recovery fund (Not tax deductible)

Be sure to include a note (box in paypal form) that it's for the Joe Jansen recovery fund, along with your name, screen name if applicable and e-mail address for notification.

You can also send a note of support to Joe at All emails are being read by Joes Parents, and he will get them once he's able. We encourage everyone to do so.

For updates on Joes condition, please check the SCP message board.


GET WELL SOON JOE, Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.


SCP members have raised--- $ 2121.00 ---as of 5/03/2005 at 9:05 pm est. for this event.

Thanks for stopping by.
Have an event you need help with? Email the info to Maverick

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