Battle Of the
Bulge Scenario, A spy’s tale..
As we walked onto the field, on our way
to the fort, I wondered whether the 7 hour drive was worth it. This was later
answered when the Germans attacked
in the first
battle of the game. It was about 200 to 300. The American general immediately
sent out a team to get the German tanks.
The ten people sent out, me included, had the
misfortune of
being the first line of the battle. I later named it operation human shield.
When they decide to rush, all I could do was fire while running backwards. A
kid on my side with a rented gun lit up the back of my head. The medic brought
me back in and I fell back to the home base to see if I could get some info
from the American general. You see, I was a spy. Me and my
partner in
treason both had the luck of stopping by the German general’s
store. He told us of props and demo (demolition) guys. Then he gave us some treasure
that could be traded for info. He also showed us how to get to the field, and
when we got there he asked us to spy. He gave each of us of paint. He offered
to let me use
his shocker, but I said that I prefer my phantom. My partner took it, and used
it well. My friend, did well in the first battle. More
than I can say for the massively out numbered Americans. According to the
ticket count there was only about, 200-350. After the Americans got
wiped out, we
went and talked to the German general who gave us gas bombs. Basically a prop
that you put down and had it?s
card to the ref, and the ref says that every one is out. All weapons other than
paintball guns worked this way, for safety. My partner used it to elliminate every one in the American fort. Took out 35
people, and got a whole lot more pissed off at him. After he got surrendered
the Americans got paranoid, only one way was left as a
entry to the fort. I was right in the middle, and scared out of my wits. I knew
if I got the general, I would have to run so fast that my legs would fall off,
frozen in the 2 feet of snow.
So I did the
smart thing, instead of assignation, I just gathered information by guarding
the American general. At the end of the game I was both cold and exited. I just
want to see what would happen when the found out I was a spy. When my and my
partner got called up for best military intelligence, the look was priceless, A
cross between upset and confused. We won a t-shirt each and we both got half a
case of paint. All of this in about 8 hours. I can’t
wait until I go to the one in July. It’s a D-Day recreation battle. 24 hours and there expecting over 2500 people there. All at Skirmish, in New Milford, Pennsylvania.
Richard Joe bob Perry