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   March 25, 2025

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RAP68 Tactical Paintball Shotgun (14 Inch Barrel)


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Welcome to SCP CARES!!

See the Raffle Results HERE

To quote Diane "Mother" McKinnon, MXS Producer:

Apr 7th 8:38 PM- We just found out that Neil "Herbie" Herbert's wife, Susan, daughter Amanda and Amanda's 14-month old baby were involved in a horrific traffic accident last week. Susan is still in intensive care with serious injuries to the brain and spine. The baby was killed. Amanda was just released from the hospital recently.
According to Herbie, a fund for Susan and Amanda has been established at the Bank of America in Reno, Nevada (account # 4967020226 if you're interested - Burf).
Please, everyone, send your thoughts and prayers out to these wonderful people. Offer to help any way you can.
You can contact Neil at

Herbie's Paintball Games in Fernley, NV has hosted MXS scenarios for the last 2 years, including 2 last year. The players there are among the nicest and most honorable paintballers I've had the privilege of playing with in my travels. From the 'net hype, this year's scheduled game looks to set an attendance record for the non-Texas west. I credit much of this success to the work Neil and Susan put into their field and the love they have for the game and it's players. We should all be so lucky to have them running a field in our area. Even though it's a 12hr drive away, I have thought of Herbie's as my homefield away from home since my first game there.

This is how I (Burphel) can help: I'm raffling off a finished project gun I've been working on for a bit. It's a new model PGP mated to a Sheridan pellet gun wood stock. Just like a KP, only 1/2 half the size...
Send in the Klone!

I'm also throwing in 6 of my personal stash of Speedcapped 10rd tubes and a shotgun bandoleer to complete the look. All proceeds will be going to Neil & Susan's medical fund. If you want in the raffle, you'll need to send $10 per entry via Paypal to by April 30th. I'll draw randomly from the entries on May 1 and cover the shipping to the winner. Please e-mail any questions to that addy as well, as I'm cross-posting this like crazy.

Technical Details:
The PGP was gently used, and I've done a little home-grown performance enhancements on it. The stock is brand new with the exception of the mods necessary to mate it to the PGP. I've put on an old-style aluminum pump handle for looks and feel. In theory, you could take off the PGP and put on your favorite Sheridan body if you want.

It should be noted that this mod means velocity adjustment must be done by adding/removing washers behind the main spring, like most older Sheridans. On the other hand, this process only requires removal of one screw. Without adding any, it's shooting consistently in the 250s.

Also, for those of you who are in the market for a nice Cocker, my team Evil Inc. is also auctioning a pimped out Minicocker setup for the Herberts as well. It's on the MXS messageboard HERE.

But Wait, There's MORE!!:

For the KP "Klone" Raffle, CrashLanding paintball is kicking in the following prizes:

A full Royal Flush stock rig ( harness,wristband,19 tubes ,15 12 grams, new - old school 10 rd tube mounted squeegee ) for a second prize to Burphel's raffle. Winner picks color!!
More prizes have been donated for the raffle:

A Sidekick Pump (used, good condition) - Donated by Flash, scenario player.

A New Sterling donated by Bunker Boyz Paintball - , winner picks color.

Steph, a scenario player is donating 2 dozen cookies of the winner's choice.

Get your tickets today!! All funds go to help out a fellow player and his family in a time of great need. contact burphel with any questions, or just paypal your $10.00 per ticket entry to Burphel , using paypall id .

Also, I'll (Burphel) be adding ways to pay for the Paypal-phobic...

1. Look up Stephanie Prince at the Las Vegas Super 7 this weekend (4/11-4/13). She's one of the MXS/Herbie's regulars, a good player (uses a semi, but nobody's perfect), and a hell of a person. She can take your money and will send me the details to get you into the drawing. I'm not sure how she's going to be set up there, but she's pretty confident she can do something to get people's attention.

2. Mail a CC/MO to:
Brian Vassar
PO Box 1955
Clarkston, Wa. 99403

Be sure to include a note that it's for the raffle, along with your name and e-mail addy for notification. Also, be aware that to be fair, if I don't *receive* your snail-mailed payment by April 30, you won't be entered into the raffle, although your money will still go to the fund. If you want the goodies and have to use the USPS, I suggest doing it ASAP.

More coming soon!! Thanks for stopping by.
Have a Charity event you need help with? Email the info to Maverick

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