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   March 25, 2025

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RAP68 Tactical Paintball Shotgun (14 Inch Barrel)


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"The Decepticon" an article on my PGP.

*Disclaimer*my project PGP has been a work in progress over time. Two sets of hands  have graced this project. 
 Well o.k. only one set of hands  really graced it. Most of the work (and all of the nice work) was done by 
 Dan Sergison (Sergi). He is a highly  skilled/recommended craftsman, and can be summoned possibly here but
 definitely at the PGP Owners Group (PGPOG).The other set of hands to work on it were mine; and it is very 
 apparent which work was done by who. So basically I am saying my hastily done rough work should not 
 be represented as Sergi's because he would've done allot better than me :)

I don't know how many of you name your markers, but the Decepticon was perfect for this one b/c of the many different setups that can be achieved. I wanted the ability to have a stock class paintball gun that could easily be converted to constant air (c/a.)Click to Enlarge The idea was to drill a hole in front of the trigger guard and create a new gas path. Click to EnlargeOnce accomplished, a 12gram dummy cartridge tapped to 1/8npt is inserted and a straight macro-line fitting can be screwed in. the macro-line runs to a bottom line under the grip. The problem with that was because the grip frame is made of some kind of Brittle metal.

Simple tapping into the grip itself wouldn't be Enough to secure the bottom line to the grip. Enter: Sergi, his idea to cross this river was great. Remove the grip panels, drill the holes in the grip, and insert standard sized screws thru the bottom line and grip. Next, Click to Enlarge screw a nut (for its threads) on the inside of the grip, coat screw with wax, and fill the whole area with cold weld. Once the weld dries, you can remove the screws and the nut stays secure, thus stabilizing the bottom line. The bottom line can hold the bottle or gas thru stock off the back of the grip for c/a, or just the stock for stock class paintball.

Click to Enlarge

On to the next piece, the barrel has been polished with 0000 steel wool about 5 times to help with accuracy. The valve has had some efficiency work done to it. A Palmers fasst change makes stock class paintball co2 reloading fast as the snap of wrist. Click to EnlargeA mad customs paintball The grip panels were replaced with some very comfy palmer grips. Way better than stock grips...way better. speed loader makes reloading paintballs quick as can be, and Bigmatt's velocity adjuster makes trips to the chrono easy. Sergi manufactured a nice site rail which I very carefully (yeah right) applied, note the globs of epoxy of the side of it :). Also a cooper t pump handle was spray painted black.

Onto body work: a quick strip slot was milled to make field stripping Tool less, and fast. Click to EnlargeA ball counter slot was milled along the left Side of the ball chamber; and a notch was craftily dremeled (by me and very apparent) for a spring feed mechanism.

"More than meets the eye"? So from stock class to c/a in less than two minutes!! When in c/a: bottom line or remote line or gas thru stock Click to Enlarge or Vertical, yes vertical! A lapco spyder vertical adaptor fits in the 12gram dummy perfectly and already had a little notch made for the grip frame. Note: in order for the gun to cock the stock pump handle had to be channeled a lot wider (another dremelized, no actually hack sawed mod.) also, in order for the gun to cock with the macro-line fitting in, the pump channel on the handle must be made a bit longer (dremelized). Now if you want to play Stock class legal the PGP is great but what if you don't want rock and cock? Well Sergi manufactured a ball plunger that guides a homemade spring (made by coiling thin wire around a wooden rod)down the ball counter slot. Sergi also revamped the original ball chamber plug to be sloped to help facilitate a quick and smooth ball feed.
So there she is; my baby, "The Decepticon" courtesy of me and Dan SERGIson. All she needs is to be anodized, unless there is a semi PGP in my future?
Click to Enlarge Click to Enlarge

- Jeff "The Underdog" Wilson

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