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Pump/Stock Class News

      April 23, 2011- Central Florida Paintball  , Lakeland, FL,  Florida Pump Chumps Reunion! You asked for it, and now you've got it! FPC players old and new are getting together for a casual day of paintball. All are invited!    read more

      April 16-17, 2011- Sudden Impact, Mclean ILSpring Pump Event! Start the season off the right way! SPE '11,Open play both days on 6 fields covering over 100 acres, everything from speedball to massive wooded bush ball fields. Sunday the infamous "Screaming Chicken" luck-of-the-draw tournament. read more
Sept. 17th., 2005- Pump Tournament!!! The first event of the new South East Pump Tournament Series, to be held in Dalton, Georgia, at Paintballs and more. $90 per team pre-registered, for more info please see the new Tournament pages.

Sept. 24th, 2005-Tombstone Paintball Park in Corona, CA Pump Extravaganza!  Come to our big pump day  for only $10. Pump gun rental is also only $10. You can't get any cheaper than that for a whole day of paintball. There's also free raffle prizes. We're giving out brand new pump gun, paintball apparel and accessories provided by Back2Basicks paintball store.  Contact Asian2Dragon or Tombstone for more info.

June 10th., 2005- That's right, FREE! Splat Tag in Hudson, WI is hosting FREE pump games almost every month. The next one is 11 June, 10 AM till sunset. Here's the deal, bring your own pump, play for FREE, dog & pop FREE, HPA/CO2 FREE (must bring your own 12 grams) , 1st 20 players to register get 250 FREE paintballs. Last month we had 32 Pumpers and we played from 9 AM till 7 pm, FREE. When's the last time you heard FREE and paintball in a sentence together? If you're even close to the area try to make it. Contact  Oldest Sage for more info.

June 12th., 2005- Ruckus paintball, West Milford, NJ  Three man Pump Tournament- 3 man pump only tournament open. Bring a team or come with a friend and we'll find a team for you. Cost: $45 per team Entry/Air (12 Grams Extra) ,Field Paint only: Pmi Menace $55/case $30/half $20/Bag 500, or Marballizer  $65/case $35/half $20/Bag 500  Contact IMSKIPPY for more info.

June 18th., 2005- MSG Paintball in Montgomery, NY Pump day- Pump day  Entry fee is $20 with all day air, $65 a case. If we get 20 or more people entry drops to $17 and $58 a case . Contact OldSchool for more info.

EVENT, EVENTS, EVENTS!  Get your pencils, boy have we got some Great events coming up! Interceptor is organizing The First North Carolina Pump Day! Sunday , May 1st, 2005 at Carolina Sports park. 12-pm, for players from the Charlotte and surrounding areas. Check HERE for Details, or just show up with your pump!  Saturday, May 28th, 2005- Florida pump day, hosted by the Florida pump chumps and Space Coast Paintball, Titusville, FL, click HERE for details or contact Jasper for more info, all are welcome! (editors note: this event is getting large with 20+ players!.) Saturday, May 14th, 2005- California pump day at Millers Paintball (outside Fresno) The price of $10 goes to help keep up the field and includes lunch, all day air, and water. Contact Millers paintball for more info.   More coming soon!
We are currently updating the website  (finally!!) Stay tuned for many updates on events, happenings, and some amazing pump and stock class related information.  

Pump Pandemonium II: Aug 12th-14th, 2005 at EMR PAINTBALL Registration is now open! This will be THE pump event of 2005!  Big game Saturday , mini tourney, themed games on Sunday . Players party, swap meet, and all the pump and stock class goodness you could ever ask for. Sign up today , for more details go to  EMR PAINTBALL  or check our Message Board for all the latest news on this events and other happening in the world of pump and stock class paintball!.

Amhildreth Reports: July 18th at SplatTag Paintball in Baldwin, WI is having another pump day! First 20 players receive free: 300 balls, entry, air, food, drink the rest: $10 entry and all-day air, can BYOP, free food and drink no 12 grams are sold at the field - BYO12G's
check out Game Info for more.

Tyger Reports: October 10th at PB Shooters in Oswego, IL, Indoor field is hosing a PUMPS ONLY 5 man tournament .Rentals WILL BE available! $250 per team, $70 a case FPO ,Prizes : CASH -If 20 teams register : 1st place $1000, 2nd place $500, 3rd place $250 If 10 teams register : 1st place $500, 2nd place $250, 3rd place $150. Event open to Stock Class OR standard pump, no pneumatic assists. BYO 12 grams if you need them. For more information, contact PB Shooters at (630) 844-2644 or the web site

  Pump Pandemonium: Aug 7th-8th, 2004 at EMR PAINTBALL Registrations now open! this will be THE pump event of 2004!  Big game Saturday , that will go into the night, mini tourney, themed games on Sunday  and all the pump and stock class goodness you could ever ask for. Sign up today , for more details go to  EMR PAINTBALL  or check our message board .

Swampthing ReportsJuly 18th, 2004:
Michigan Marshals game, at Bunkers and Banners Paintball . All pump players      are  welcome! The new castle is built and registration will start about 9:30 and the games should start by 10:30am. We play till everyone decides it is time to go home. Field fee is only $10 for all day. FPO at $18 a bag. There is free camping in the staging area for those that would prefer not to make any long drives early in the morning.

Arbites ReportsJuly 11th, 2004:
Westside Paintball's field outside of Lake Stevens, Washington. The field is about 10 minutes East of Everett. $13 field fee / $4 fills (CO2 or HPA) ($7 all day fills). Games from 9:30-3:30. They have 3 semi-independent woodball fields that two or all three can be combined into bigger fields for more players.


Tattoo13 reports a Stock Class birthday bash will be held for Spaceman, on Sept. 6th at Sudden Impact, in Bloomington, IL. Click HERE for more details.
Finnigan reports a pump day SUN 9/21 at Fireball Mt. in North Hanover, NJ! Click HERE for more details.
Pyrate JIM reports a 3 MAN Stock Class Tournement at Strategy PlusOct 12 at Strategy Plus in E. Hampton, CT. Click HERE for more details.
June 08,2003 Strategy Plus Paintball Will be hosting a Three Man Stock Tourny in E.Hampton,CT! $125 entry, $65 case. Phantom vsc's in prize package, if enough teams. Also Reported by Pyrate Jim The Paintball Marshals are running "Roots" - a re-creation of the very first game. We've been planning this on a reasonably small scale, not advertising beyond our little area. It'll be July 5th in Coventry, CT. Held on private woodlands, 80 acres will be taped off for the roots players, and a 15 acre field for flag games in the woods. Ten men at a time will try to find four flag stations and return. if we get more than ten, we'll run two games and time the winners. Shortest time wins. Email him for details..

June 01,2003 Bunker & Banners Paintball Annouces a Weekend of Stock Class events on June 14th and 15th!.

  • June 14: Night of the Full Moon game: while not strictly a pump event, anyone using a Stock class gun will be given credit for Paintball Marshals membership. Field fee: $10
  • June 15th: June 15 Topgun in the Village: 1 one 1 for an AM Illusion. Entry fee: $10
  • Afterwards the Marshals games will be played.Field fee: $10,Paint: Techno Caps Paintball($18- 500 $32- 1000,$53- 2000.)Bring your own 12 grams.
    Registration for Fall Castle at EMR PAINTBALL for pump defenders is filling fast, dont miss out on the biggest pump player gathering in a decade!! In related News, is now an official Sponsor of this event, and well be kicking in some prizes, and some Surprizes!! Well Be there, will you??
    Apr.30,2003 RHINOTECH Annouces a new Stock class harness, check their site for details!
    Chad Hicks reports theres a new chaptor of the Stock Class Marshals in Tennessee! check out the Paintball Marshals site for details , or send him an email. they are currently recruiting members in that area!!
    The FarmLand Paintball Club in the North Mid-West is trying to put together a 5 man pump contingent at the 5 man tournament on June 22nd. Email Gazoo or check out their site for details!

    USO Benefit Game Apr.27,2003 Blast Camp Paintball in Hobart, Indiana (1-219-947-7733 )

    Blast Camp PB is having a game with all field fees ($10.00) being donated to the USO in support of our troops. I strongly urge all who are in the area to attend this event. There will also be a charity raffle with great prizes such as;

    (2) - Action Markers,Inc. Sentinel TS's in skyline and mystic anode donated from the great guys at Action Markers (thanks to the Deam's)

    (1) - C.C.I. Red Micro Phantom VSC with hard-line and breech sizer kit donated by Mike Cassidy of CCI (thanks a ton Mike!)

    A bunch of gear from StockClassPaintball / Crash Landing Paintball
      (1) - Royal Flush Stock class belt in grey w/ 20 -10rd tubes
      (1) - Royal Flush wrist carrier in grey w/ 5 Co2 powerlets
      (3) - CrashLanding PB Deadbox logo T-shirts
      (3) - Kapp super tubes w/ SCP stickers
      (75) - SCP stickers ( first come - first served)
      (5) - SCP patches

    (1) - Brand New Silencer for the Tippmann A-5 from my good friends at Ballistic Sports

    J&J Performance has answered the call and is donating some of their great barrels to be raffled also ..thanks maybe more to come..

    how much $10.00 a ticket for a shot at the goodies
    bottom line get out there..shoot your buds..and support our troops

    April 10, 2003-: Strategy Plus A field in East Hampton, CT, is hosting its 20th anniversary stock game on Sunday April 27th. Strategy Plus is the oldest continuously operating field in CT, and possibly the universe. The best part... the anniversary game is FREE! Players can get more info and find out about registering by calling 1-(800) 952-9007 or online at: Strategy Plus

    March 29, 2003-, Badlandz a field in Lansing, Illinois is going to be the place for a Pump/Stock Class Birthday party for the (in)famous "Tattoo." Stop by and wish him a happy birthday, and bring your pump to get in on the action. Cost will be $20.00 per player, and its reported to be BYOP, or buy from Badlandz. This is an open class pump event, all pump and stock class players welcome.

    August 2003-, WoodLand Paintball a field in Belding, Michigan is going to hold a 3-man Stock Class tournament in conjunction with a 5-man open tourney on Sunday, August 3, 2003. Entry is $150/team... prizes are cash (50 percent payback) plus trophies. BYOP or field paint $50/case. For further info please visit the website and contact Ross, the owner of the field. Pre-registration is a must.

    SUNDAY, MAY 17TH 2003
    Field paint only Paint TBA: $55 and $65 Per case $30 and $35 Per half case
    $2,000 CASH, Three Custom Carter Markers, Three WGP Snipers, Three Custom Phantoms, Blackstar Package, Royal Flush Harnesses, Hundreth Monkey Turtle Caps, Package, & MORE!!!!
    Pre-register by APRIL 5TH = $300 Per team (Air/CO2 Not Included)
    Late registration = $360
    See The X-Treme paintball Park Site for Details.

      The OSC pumps it up for 2003 The Old School Challenge Series is a Pump/Stock tournament circuit that runs throughout the West Coast (mainly Southern California).We will keep this series low cost and absolute fun. There are at least 7 events in this pump series and we hoped to be branching out. We work hard to keep this a low cost quality tournament and relay on sponsors for most of our prize packages. Each event is only $99. .
    See Old School Challenge website for Details.

      Attention Midwest Stockers: CHILI BOWL BIG GAME, Sunday, January 26th AND A PUMP/STOCKGUN TOURNAMENT Sunday, March 9th 3-PLAYER $25.00 per player,BRING YOUR OWN PAINT. See The X-Treme paintball Park Site for Details.

     Possibly the largest gathering of pump players in Ten years is being organized for fall 2003, check the message board for info and updates!!

      The Regular Message board is down, weve set this one up temporarily until we can work some bugs out. More info here

      The staff at Paintball USA in Houston, TX has just decided to offer up a day where pump players can play with other pump players without having to mix in with the regular crowds... More info here

      In order to show off the capabilities of the AM-P Illusion, Action Markers is hosting a pumps only tournament on Friday August 30th. All players will use the AM-P Illusion, aka the Sentinel Pump. Six limited edition AM-P Illusion pump marker will be the prizes! More info here

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