I've seen the Phantom Stock class markers
and the Phantom Pump class markers and I cant really chose
between one of them. I want the challenge of 10 shots and a 12
gram but I would also like to have a 9 oz. and a 40 shot
hopper. I think I should go with a 9 oz and a 40 round hopper.
What do you think I should do since I don't have any
experience with a pump marker. Also I would like to know some
of the websites of where I can learn more on pump paintball
and where I could possible buy a pump marker. I hope to hear
from you. Thanks.
Dear Shane,
Congratulations on
your decision to give pump and/or stock class paintball a try.
To be perfectly honest, this part of the sport is not for
everyone, but for those who enjoy it, it can be very
rewarding. There is nothing quite like being able to make an
elimination with only one or two shots rather than just
shooting until you hit something. Its an entirely different
philosophy though, and you have to learn to play the game very
differently. This can be a great challenge, or very
frustrating , that's all up to you.
To start out with, id suggest you try playing "hopper ball"
with your current set up. You don't need to go out and spend
hundreds of dollars on all new equipment just to decide if you
like to play this way. Limit your paintballs in your hopper,
or use a small 40 round hopper instead of a revy or larger
hopper. Learn to pick your shots, and only shoot one round at
a time. If you can do this successfully with a little
practice, then you can consider taking the next step.
If you do decide to buy a pump, start slow. Get yourself a
good used pump to develop your skills with. This will allow
you to not only learn how to work a pump, but be effective at
it (harder than it sounds.) It'll also give you a chance to
"break into" pump play without spending allot, and see if you
really do enjoy it. Later, you can upgrade to a Phantom or higher end pump. If you
buy new, buy from an established retailer. There are plenty places to buy
a pump that
have good reputations for service and quality, which can be
found in the
links page right here at SCP.
Another great resource is our
message boards.
The membership
there is dedicated to the sport and very knowledgeable. They
welcome new players and there is no such thing as a stupid
question. So don't be afraid to sign up (its free) and post
your questions there.
I hope this helps, thanks for writing!