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RAP68 Tactical Paintball Shotgun (14 Inch Barrel)


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Sidekick Review
July 26, 2002

Sidekick Review

Today I got my sidekick stock in the mail. Also, my brother got a sidekick mod. The first thing I noticed was size, they are VERY compact, and the sidekick stock is stock class legal. It is made out of the same polymer many new handguns are made out of (atleast that's what they say)-so don't nay say just because they are plastic. The balance on the mod is very stable because it has a longer barrel and spring feed system, but the stock wasn't quite as stable, but good enough for me!

Next, off to the backyard to plink some targets (we live in the country.) 1st shot, I CHOPPED A BALL!-but, it was my own stupidity (whats new.)I was so excited, I didn't notice that I jammed the tube WAY to far in, so it pinched the ball and broke it. So I wouldn't do it again, I taped off where the tube should stop with electrical tape. Ok, I put in a new 12 gram after cleaning it ( the internals much like the phantom :-P)and headed back out. 1st shot, I shot way high, and it looked like it woulda' hurt, so I decranked the velocity down, helped A TON. When down to about 280, it shoots very accurate and consistant with the regular plastic barrel. The sights are a tad bit hard to see, so I took white out and highlighted them (aren't I smart!)

The sidekick looks good, but you don't have to be afraid of nicking up your splash job on your phantom or sterling, or getting all sorts of crap in it when crawling for that flag. And their are some cool mods and holsters you can get. My brother got the tactical holster with his gun (I don't care about p-c in paintball, I think it was maverick who said markers are maid by crayola)I put on his holster, I noticed that It was too long and loose for me, but im a short person. It fit my older brother well.

In the top breech you can hold a 2nd 12 gram. Cool feature, but I see somewhat useless. It's quicker just to grab one out of your pocket. But if you're like me and play in the back yard ( I like in the country, and play safely ) and back to the point, if you play in the back yard, you don't wanna really get in all your crap just to play for a half hour or so, so I just where greenish-grey sweatpants my cheaply made F'n Pumps team jersey, fish hat, and mask. But there lies the problem, no pockets, so that can mayby come in handy if you need to change co2's.

I couldn't find a sightrail, but easily modified to have one. I have a picture of Goob's from the Mayberry Mauraders with a scope on his.

I was very impressed with how many shots you get with 1 12gram. I got 32 shots on one. And my last thoughts. You simply can lose with the sidekick. For only $63, you just can't lose. You get such a bang for your buck, and I simply love mine.

cool features:
  • made of high impact polymer
  • can hold a 2nd co2 in top breech
  • gets about 30 shots to a 12 gram
  • 2 pumps versions & 2 semi versions
  • sidekick stock is stock class legal
  • many upgrades

    Pictures coming soon!!

  • - pump_mullet

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