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Building a speedball field.
June 21, 2002

Building a speedball field.

For those of you planning on making your own speedball field, whether it be for a commercial field or "outlaw" play, this should help you out.


First off speedball fields come in MANY shapes and sizes. Realy this is up to you, but if you dont have an idea on the size of your field, I would recommend using a rectangular peice of land, about 75 yds by 40 yds, and flat. Now this should vary depenidng on what you want, and the size of the teams. If its 3 on 3, then smaller, if 10 on 10 then bigger.


There many, many, MANY sizes, shapes, materials, etc etc that bunkers are made of. They can be anywhere from a peice of plywood, to inflatable bunkers. Here some ideas of different types of bunkers: Tires, Barrels, Plywood, signs, old junk, plastic tubing, inflatable bunkers, dirt, logs, trees, thick bushes, and many other things. One thing about bunkers is try to get a variety. Make bunkers in all shapes and sizes, having it all the same is pretty boring. you can also put several types of bunkers together to make bigger bunkers. Bunkers come in all sizes too. Anywhere from huge stand up bunkers, to small bunkers that you have to be on your stomach.

Where to get bunkers:

Now that you have an idea on what to use, where do you get them? Well first off you can get peices of plywood from a lumber yard. there not too pricey. You can buy old barrels at a junkyard for about $2 a barrel. Not to bad either. Places like Goodyear Tire will give you junk tires for free!

Bunker placement:

Now that you have all your different types of bunkers, where do you place them on the field? This also has a lot to do with personal preference. I would suggest though that if you and the people you play with are mostly newbies, then have the bunkers placed closer together...that way it is easier to move from one to the next. If you are an(and play with) experienced players, then I would recommend placing the bunkers a bit farther apart. Some fields like to have both sides of the field exactly the same, so not to have an advantage. Thats fine, but I prefer to have them different...for "difference" itself, and the worse team can have the better side.(to make it more fare)

No matter what you do, the most important thing to remember is BE CREATIVE! The best fields have a certain "atmosphere" that just makes the field...great:) Good luck!

- Danny77

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