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   March 26, 2025

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RAP68 Tactical Paintball Shotgun (14 Inch Barrel)


eXTReMe Tracker Tournament rules


Stockclass and pump players are renowned for their integrity, honesty and fair play; these great qualities are expected of our tournament participants as well. Our rule book is short, to the point, and easy to follow. Please read through it completely prior to the event.

Note: anything not expressly covered in the following is to be considered prohibited unless specifically allowed by the event promoter or ultimate official.


a. 3 man teams, five minute game, total elimination
b. Games will be scored on a win/loss/tie system. In the case of a tie, one "sudden death" team captain vs. team captain will be played after a 5 minute recess to allow time to re-equip paint and propellant. Any team that is not ready to take the field after the 5 minute recess will be issued a loss. Tie breaker game will be 3 minutes. If no winner is determined after 3 minutes of play, both teams will be issued a loss


a. Pump action, 0.68 caliber with a single barrel, one compressed air/co2 tank. Multiple 12 gram canisters are allowed for 12 gram markers. Markers must use a single propellant system. i.e.: no "backup" 12 gram changers or 12 grams for markers that go on the field in a compressed air/co2 tank configuration and vise versa.
b. This is an open class pump event, anything goes except for no pneumatic or electronic assist markers. Manual hand pump only
c. compressed air, co2 tanks/canisters or 12 gram allowed. Any type of 12 gram changer is allowed. Any size compressed air/co2 tank that is traditionally used on paintball markers is allowed.
d. any loader system is allowed, top feed, hopper, vertical, horizontal i.e.: agitated, force fed or "shake and bake", warp, q loader, stock class
e. loaders may hold any amount of paint, but not exceed the maximum allowable paint per game as determined by the specific event guidelines.
f. External velocity adjusters must be locked into position and may not be adjusted after chrono-graphing for game play or while on the field.
g. Any length barrel. No silencers or sound suppressor extensions.
h. Any type of stocks, grips and sights.


a. 0.68 caliber.
b. unaltered factory condition.
c. No coating with powders, sprays or any substances.
d. must be non staining.
e. no paintballs with red fill


a. Maximum firing velocity 280 f.p.s. (subject to host field regulations.)
b. (1) Clearing shot is allowed. For 12 gram charged markers. (3) Clearing shots are allowed for compressed air/co2 tanked or regulated markers. The average of (3) shots are recorded to determine qualifying velocity

c. markers may be chrono-graphed at anytime before, while in play in such a way as to minimize interference with game play or after game play to determine velocity and in order to maximize safety and fair play. All players must have enough co2 or air to chrono-graph after playing each game.


a. Field approved goggle system with full-face protection in original unaltered factory condition and certified as safe for use in paintball by ASTM standards.
b. shirt/jersey and pants sized to fit player, (2) upper body layers of clothing maximum. Excessive padding will be determined on a case by case basis by field refs/head ref/ultimate official. No metal spiked cleats. Yellow or Orange colored attire, or any clothing that is deemed to a. simulate or approximate referee attire, or b. designed to absorb, hide, or conceal paintball splatter or fill  is prohibited.
c. Oversized, draped or ghillie type clothes are prohibited. Bright polychromatic and water repellent clothing (e.g. nylon, vinyl and rubberized fabrics) are prohibited. No hopper covers of any kind. No padding of markers, marker feed necks, tank regulator necks. Tank covers specifically manufactured for use in paintball are allowed. Bandanas may be worn only around the neck. Head covering may not extend below mid shoulder blade level. One headband/sandana/banddu in combination with one hat/beanie/cap may be worn for protective head covering. "Hundredth monkey" type caps are allowed. any equipment designed or altered to prevent or hide marking is prohibited.
e. Kneepads and harness systems must be worn on the outside of clothing.
f. No equipment allowed on playing field that could be used to effect velocity settings.
g. No pyrotechnic or similar devices. No radios or electronic communication devices.

h. Players may carry any number of pods/tubes, squeegees/swabs onto playing field. Players must pick up all dropped pods/tubes squeegees /swabs from play field after each game.
h. Inspection of player and equipment may be conducted on the playing field or staging area to determine safety and fair play at any time.
i. only pods, tubes, squeegees and swabs may be dropped on the field by players during game play. Equipment may be swapped between live players only.
j. no hits will be considered "unobvious". All marks anywhere on players person, clothing, equipment or any other item player is holding will be considered "obvious".

K. Towels, or other absorbent material accessories are prohibited during game play and may not be brought onto the field.


a. eliminated player dropping equipment for use by live player: - one live player removed
b. playing with an obvious hit: -one live player removed
c. Intentional wiping: automatic loss with win being issued to opposing team, immediate removal of entire team from event without refund or compensation of any kind.
d: moving more than 5 feet away from dropped equipment (other than equipment allowed to be dropped during play): removal of offending player
e. talking after eliminated other than to signify elimination by saying "hit" "out" or something to that effect once only: removal of a live player
f: game ending on a penalty: automatic loss of next game by offending team
g: player reporting live at end of game but with hit: automatic loss of game with win of game being issued to opposing team
h. interference with an official attempting to verify a players status either by moving, not cooperating or otherwise obstructing officials attempt will result in offending player and one live player being removed.
i. no spectator interference: one live player removed per instance.
j. use of prohibited or altered paint: offending player is eliminated and may not reenter play until able to verify they are using accepted paint.
k. Offensive gestures or language towards players, referees, or spectators will mean immediate removal of said player from event.